To improve the effectiveness of the trained model, you can subject it to a re-training process. To start, go to the Models section, hover over the gear icon and click the Re-train button on the selected model tile.


Model tile
Model tile


Retraining process consists of three steps:

  • Editing the dataset;
  • Merging object classes;
  • Configuring the model.

#Editing datasets

In the first step, select the datasets you want to use for the re-training process.


Pick Categories
Pick Categories


#Merging object classes

Clicking the Next button takes you to the category merge view. It is slightly different from the original merge view:

  • Categories from the previous training are automatically assigned to buckets
  • If you have selected new categories, they will be assigned to the automatically generated Unassigned bucket
  • If the name of a new category matches the name of an existing bucket, it will be automatically assigned to that bucket
Merge categories
Merge categories
Merging categories with all classes assigned
Merging categories with all classes assigned


#Model configuration

Click Next to proceed to the configuring the model step. Define the name of the re-trained model and the number of epochs (for classification) or iterations (for object detection).

The model name must meet the same validation requirements as for regular training.


Model training parameters
Model training parameters


Click Re-train to start re-training the model.