In this tutorial, you will build a classifier model to recognize pets - cats and dogs, in photos and video frames.


You will learn how to:

add a dataset,

create and train your model with Keras,

test your classifier's performance in real-time.


To train the model, use the publicly available collection of 25,000 cat and dog photos provided by Microsoft.


#Adding the dataset


To upload your collection of images, go to the Owned datasets:


Datasets view
Datasets view


#Upload images


As this is your first visit, you do not have a collection of images yet. Start by adding the first one. To do this, click Add new dataset, enter the dataset name, and select Personal.


Keep in mind: The name must be a string of letters, digits and spaces.


Add new dataset
Add new dataset


To load images into the application, you can drag and drop them, or:

load the whole directory including its subdirectories - Add directory,

load selected files - Add files,

upload a .zip folder - Add archive,

use live footage - Live from the camera.


Upload view
Upload view


Let's say you have uploaded your images from the PetImages directory, which contains subdirectories. The application will use the subdirectory names to create two classification categories: Cat and Dog.


To learn more about OneStepAI's adopted logic for loading images and automatically categorizing them based on the directory structure, read the Upload article.


Choose directories for upload
Choose directories for upload


When you select a directory, OSAI searches for images in it and displays the thumbnails in a gallery.


You can browse through the images as they load and delete those you do not need. The All, Annotated, Classified, Other, Dog, Cat tabs visible in the gallery view show how the collection was divided using the automatic analysis - classes in the classification process and objects in the detection process.


Once the search process is complete, the Upload button will be enabled. You can now upload your image collection.


Upload images
Upload images


Before uploading, you will be informed of our image size limits. You will be asked to decide what the application should do if the size limit is exceeded. This decision is a one-off for the uploaded set and involves choosing one of two options: Scale / Skip.


Image size limits
Image size limits


The loading task is performed in the background. You can monitor the progress in the Dashboard or Datasets view.


Uploading in progress
Uploading in progress


When the upload is complete, you will see the number of uploaded images in the Dashboard.




In the Datasets view you will find a tile with one of the images on the cover.


Datasets view
Datasets view


If you look at the upload, you will see that some of the images were not uploaded. This is probably because the images were incorrectly converted from various extensions to .jpg, and their metadata contained information about extensions that OSAI does not support.




#Pick categories


When you click on the image collection tile, you will see a gallery view, similar to the one you are already familiar with from the process of adding a dataset.


In the right-hand menu, you can switch between the Classification and Object Detection tabs. If you only want to view one category of photos, narrow down the selection by clicking on the relevant tag set in the automatic analysis process. Here, you can see two classes, Cat and Dog, and the photos that belong to them.


View 'Dog' category
View 'Dog' category
View 'Cat' category
View 'Cat' category


You now have a dataset that you can use to train your classification model.


#Working on the model


#Create the model


To create a model, go to the Models section of the Trainings menu. Start by preparing a classifier.


Click Add new model and follow the model configuration process that OSAI will guide you through.


Models list
Models list


You will be asked to select the model type, Detection or Classification, and since you want to create a classifier, you must choose the latter.


Create new model
Create new model


First, you need to select the dataset that will be the input data for the model training. Choose Cats-and-Dogs:


Choose datasets and categories
Choose datasets and categories


Now you can manage the categories of images within the dataset. This option is described in much more detail in Creating and training models article. In this case, you only have two categories and they are correctly named, so continue by clicking Next.


Merge categories
Merge categories


The next step is to parameterize the model. Here you need to give your model a name (a string of characters without spaces) and then select the Framework one you want to use. Then, click on the Pretrained model to select the model that has been predefined in this framework.


OSAI will suggest the model's preferred input image sizes of the learning set and the percentage breakdown of the dataset (into training, validation, and test sets). The hints have been designed according to what is reported in the literature to be the correct and most effective parameters. However, you are free to change any of them.


Use the default parameters, suggested by OSAI and enter 500 in the Number of epochs field. Click Start training.


Set model parameters
Set model parameters
Set model parameters
Set model parameters


#Train the model


Like the image upload process, the model training task runs in the background. You can track its progress in the Dashboard and in the Models section, where a new Model tile has now appeared.


Training in progress
Training in progress


On the tile, there is a Stop button. There are two ways to terminate the training process.

  • Select Stop immediately to terminate the process and not save any data.
  • Or select to Stop with progress. This will stop the training as soon as the current iteration (epoch) is completed. The models and training results will be saved.
Training tile
Training tile


When the training is complete, hover over the gear icon and select Details to view full statistics of the training process, model history, results from the test subset, and options for converting the trained model to run on hardware other than the architecture on which it was trained.


To learn more about model performance, read Tracking model performance article.


Training statistics
Training statistics
Accuracy and loss charts
Accuracy and loss charts
Confusion matrix
Confusion matrix
Results from test subset
Results from test subset


We want to test your model on NVIDIA Jetson Nano, so let's convert the model to run on NVIDIA Maxwell.




Once the model is converted, you can use the selected hardware to test its accuracy.


#Testing your idea


To test your model, go to the Live Testing menu section, click Add device to add a new device, and receive a token to connect it to the test space.


Add new device
Add new device


#Add the device


If you have your own Jetson Nano device, you can use it and host a private environment on it to run trained models. In this case, select Own when adding the device and follow the instructions in the documentation.


OneStepAI allows you to rent a device for testing models for a fee. In this case, select Rent.


Device source
Device source


Select Jetson Nano from the list of available devices, name the device Jetson Nano, and click Add device.

Device type
Device type
Device details
Device details


#Connect to web app


Once you have added the device, it will appear in your device list. Click on the device tile and copy the registration code to the clipboard, then click Copy token and go to device. This will open a new tab in your browser, where you will find a web app that is now using your local Nano device.




Enter your e-mail, paste your registration code into the Token field, and create a password.


Log in to the web app
Log in to the web app


Once registered, the device will change its status to Connected in the Live Testing section of the OSAI app.




On the homepage of the web app for testing, you will find a list of models that are compatible with the device you have connected. In this case, it is the Cats-and-Dogs model that you have converted earlier.

Select the model to download it to the device's local memory.


Downloaded model
Downloaded model


Selecting the model again will take you to the section where you can select the input data required to test the selected model.


#Load the input data


To test the model, use the cat and dog photo you have on your computer. Select Upload File.


Upload file
Upload file


Select the image and confirm.


Select image
Select image


The image will be loaded into the device's local memory and processed by the selected model.


Create engine
Create engine


You can now view the test results.



Image result
Image result
Image result
Image result
Image result
Image result
Image result
Image result