Dataset cloning is the process of creating exact copies of existing datasets. It can be a useful tool for:

  • Experimentation - cloned datasets can be shared with others and serve as a valuable resource for experimentation without affecting the original dataset.

  • Prediction - cloned datasets can be used to make a prediction, without distorting the original dataset.

  • Enhancement - purchased datasets can be cloned, allowing users to edit them to meet specific needs.


To clone a dataset, go to the Owned datasets.


Datasets view
Datasets view


Hover over the gear icon next to the selected dataset. Select Clone.




Enter the name of the cloned dataset and click Ok.


Dataset cloning
Dataset cloning

You can view the cloning progress in the Tasks tab or in the Dashboard view.

Tasks tab
Tasks tab


After processing, the cloned dataset will be in the Datasets section.


Finished clone
Finished clone