Each report provides summarized information on:

  • Total datasets volume - total dataset volume expressed in space and time units (MBh or megabyte hours),
  • Total models volume - total volume of models expressed in space and time units (MBh or megabyte hours),
  • Total manipulation time,
  • Total training time 8GB - total training time on GPU machines with 8GB VRAM,
  • Total training time 16GB - total training time on 16GB VRAM GPU machines,
  • Total conversion time 8GB - total conversion time on machines with 8GB VRAM GPU,
  • Total conversion time 16GB - total conversion time on machines with 16GB VRAM GPU,
  • Total prediction time 8GB - total prediction time on machines with 8GB VRAM GPU,
  • Total prediction time 16GB - total prediction time on machines with 16GB VRAM GPU,
  • Total device rental time - total time spent on rental machines.
Report details
Report details


The time charged is always expressed in whole seconds. Fractional parts are not taken into account.


The reason for expressing the volumes in MBh units is to charge the seconds of each record separately, i.e. the storage time of each conversion and image. These times are then multiplied by the size of the respective file and added up within a single model or dataset. This includes records that existed throughout the report period, as well as those that were created during or deleted before the end of the reporting period.


To review all the counted data in detail, you can open the detailed report by clicking on the eye icon. If you no longer need the report, you can delete it by clicking on the trash can icon.